Lessons From Nature
Lessons From Nature
Whiteboard markers on whiteboard, dead leaves and plants
Site Specific Artwork, BigCI Artist Residency, NSW, Australia
Whiteboards are used in our schools and offices to communicate one person's point of view to an audience. Nature too has its lessons to impart. The rhythm of its growth is a testimony to continual adaptation to its environment. Plant life presents itself in its full wonder and glory even in the middle of a forest where it may never be seen or acknowledged before it dies to make room for another. Made with whiteboard markers on a large whiteboard surface this work attempts to capture these lessons of living abundantly and gracefully even as we face the ephemerality of life itself.
To find out more about the inspiration behind this work go to my blog post: The Making of "Lessons from Nature"
Photo credit: Nicola Kinloch
The work Lessons from Nature is also intended to be viewed through the work Dead Plants Don't Grow which forms a kind of veil reflecting on how nature itself is often viewed through a screen by urban dwellers-through a window, a camera lens, a photographs, on television or the computer screen. We seldom get the chance to step into nature and experience ourselves as a part of it.
Water Poetry
Plants growing on the forest floor, radiating energy, wild abandon… but also a grace, a rhythm. Does this rhythm come from constantly adapting to the natural conditions they encounter at every phase of growth? Permanent markers on an erasable (whiteboard) surface explore this radiant energy and resilience in the face of ephemerality.
Water 1
79 cm x 110 cm
Charcoal on watercolour paper
79 cm x 110 cm
Charcoal on watercolour paper