Urban Veil 1
The Private Museum, Singapore
Urban Veil 1
Cloth, paper, plaster, acrylic paint, resin, wire, wool, fishing line, hot glue
Dimensions variable
Cloth, paper, plaster, acrylic paint, resin, wire, wool, fishing line, hot glue
Dimensions variable
How often do we set aside our devices to be alone inside Nature, to let ourselves be surrounded by it? When outside city walls, we often view Nature through screens: through car windows, camera lenses, phone screens. For me these screens and our urban mindsets are The Urban Veil. It separates us from Nature and it thickens with each generation. We no longer see ourselves as a part of the natural world.
Urban Veil 1-detail
Miaja Gallery, Singapore
Cloth, paper, plaster, acrylic paint, resin, wire, fishing line, hot glue
Dimensions variable
Cloth, paper, plaster, acrylic paint, resin, wire, fishing line, hot glue
Dimensions variable